That part at 1:00 in... /orgasm
That part at 1:00 in... /orgasm
7s er 8s er something?
If, I had to have one complaint, it would be that the build up (or whatever the correct term is for it) is a bit slow. Not in tempo, but as in the time it goes before adding a new element to the beat, if that makes sense.
Nonethless, I like it. Great background music while I'm reading. ;)
Gets Very Nice
Why is it I'm always giving your stuff a 7?
At any rate, I liked the end, briefly while it lasted. My gripe would be that the build-up is too slow. While I do like build-ups, I found myself wanting to skip later into the track when I expected it would kick up, to see what the next addition was.
I like the recurring melody theme as well.
Best at 1:30.
Great Guitar
0:26 Sounds like something from the original Doom.
Keep up the good work.
Not Bad
Ups: The random visualization that was playing was the angry faic, which made quite the hilarious combo with the mood of the music.
Downs: Your attitude sucks, a proclaiming you think your stuff sucks (which provokes the question of: then why upload it?) makes me WANT to think that your stuff sucks. Therefore, I can't accurately tell you what I would have thought, un-biased.
ilu brute
Heh, nice
I Laughed So Hard at the Painter
I like guns, munitions, and violent toons.
Joined on 5/4/08